PAL+ is an optional, additional one day of category specific training aimed at operators working in higher risk or challenging environments eg steelwork, confined overhead spaces or challenging terrain. It is intended to be more advanced, challenging and extensive than the PAL operator course. PAL+ training is open to operators who hold an existing PAL card qualification in a relevant category.

Course Objectives:
Be aware and confident of
- The relevant health and safety regulations
- The needs to wear personal protection equipment
- The need to refer to the machine operating manual

Course Method:
- Instruction in both theory and practical sessions.
- Written test: duration 30 minutes
- Practical test: to safely use the machine to complete a specific task – duration 30 minutes

Course Content:

Module One
- Identification and understanding of operational hazards
- Requirement, procedure and benefits of pre-operational inspection
- Procedure and benefits of full function testing
- Procedure and identification of specific site hazards
- Understanding limitations of machine application

Module Two
- Understand and apply correct starting procedure
- Identify proximity of all hazards, both overhead and others
- Travel machine with platform in correct position
- Correctly position machine in relation to the task
- Deploy stabilisers and level machine
- Stow tools/equipment safely on platform
- Use safety harness
- Raise and lower platform correctly
- Slew and travel correctly
- Mount and dismount the machine correctly

Personal Protective Equipment:
- Hard hat
- Steel capped work boots
- Gloves
- Harness


Course Duration:
One day

Instructor to Delegate Ratio:
One instructor to six delegates

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